About the Artists

David McKean is a Colorado artist with a life-long passion for painting, heavily influenced by Abstract Expressionism.  David's paintings are all about shapes of color in a linear composition. Much attention is paid to a flat surface creating an ambiguous space. Line activates this space. Shape slows it down. Color defines it. His intent is to create a fluid and meditative space in which there is an implication of time passing in slow motion. The title is the starting point. And... in the end, his work is simply about painting.

Ann Sullivan-McKean has been creating encaustic, mixed media artworks and paintings for over 30 years. Ann earned a BS from the University of Southern Colorado and a MFA from Fort Hays State University. She has exhibited her work in numerous juried, invitational, and one person exhibits. Ann worked as the Art Department Chair at Pikes Peak Community College in Colorado Springs, Colorado and taught Drawing, Color Theory, 3-D Design and 2-D Design. Her work attempts to take one on a psychological journey, familiar to surrealism, where the viewer is invited to interpret their meanings as it pertains to them personally.

David and Ann live in Colorado where they share a studio.

MacSullivan Fine Art.  Colorado, USA
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